A - We have delivering seminars since 1988. Since then we have grown steadily (With the help of the same tools & techniques used in our seminars) to be a global leader in Executive Education. Regularly delivering seminars in over 40 different markets across North American & Europe, always earning rave reviews and repeat business.
A - We are certified to give training credits and professional development units under many different professional associations and certification organizations. If you cannot find the organization you are looking for below, then please contact us for your exact requirements.
- RIBO (Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario) we current offer over 50 hours of training units
- Consulting and Audit Canada (CAC)
- Chambre de la Securite Financiere- We currently offer over 60 PDUS
- Quebec 1% training budget- All companies with a total employee payroll of greater than $250, 000 are required by the Quebec Government to spend 1% of their total payroll on training for their employees.
A - Every time we run this special discount it is done on a first come first serve basis. Please contact us or your Training Consultant for further details.
A - This will vary with what seminar it is, as well as what hotel or conference centre we are using. However we always anticipate a very high-level of interest. Seats are filled on a first come first serve basis. Those who do not register in time will be placed on a waiting list for the next session. We strongly recommend early registration to avoid disappointment.
A - If you're not happy, we're not happy. We proudly stand by the quality of all our seminars. If you don't think you got your monies worth, then please let us know. We will be happy to refund you in full.
If you have any further questions that were not answered on our website then please click on the "Contact Us" icon to contact us, and we will be happy to answer any questions.
Thanks for your time.